Krishna Janmastami 2019
In 2018, I had shared some beautiful posters of Krishna on this festival – Krishna Janmastami. This is the birthday of lord Krishna. A mythical character, Krishna is considered to be an incarnation of god Vishnu. Krishna destroys the bad and saves the good people.
The Krishna Janmashtami festival is usually celebrated in lat August to early September. The date according to the Nepali calendar falls in different dates every year. Krishna was born to the sister of the king of Mathura. Krishna’s maternal uncle, Kansha, was a very bad guy. He would prepare a opposition army to fight against the ruling king. He used his diplomacy and carefully maintained army of local people to win the war against Kansha.
According to the Hindu epic ‘Mahabharat’ Krishna was a very naughty child in his younger days. He is portrayed as a normal child who does all the stuffs a normal child does. He used to steal things from neighbors and steal milk and yogurt from his own home and that of neighbors. Despite being a nuisance to the village, he is loved by everybody. He was an attractive boy who every girls in his village loved. He is told to have affair with all 16,000 girls in the place.
Although Krishna is a Eastern and Hindu god. The popularity of Krishna rose in 1960s among the people in Western world and Africa. That was mainly due to the works of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). These days there are many Krishna followers all over the world. They however celebrate and worship different aspects of Krishna.
Bhagawat Gita, a very scared text, a part of ‘Mahabharat’ is a well known text all over the world, is believed to be told by Krishna to Arjun to convince Arjun to start the war against his brothers, Kaurava.